

  • 2020-09-08 11:04:04
  • 赴美生子
  • 370人点赞
  •    去美国生孩子选月子中心可是个细致的工作,选对了一切都好,选错了真是花着钱遭着罪,所以对于孕妈来说选对月子中心至关重要。那么,究竟赴美生子中介不能选呢,今天就告诉孕妈,别因为小便宜吃大亏,别拿生命开玩笑。








    错误,直营月子中心是佳的选择。直营月子中心中的“直营”指的是经营模式,是在国内设立了办事处或者分公司,在美国有月子中心的实际场地和服务团队,双方通力合作为孕妈提供服务,这样的月子中心在中美两地都有实体,联系起来很快捷,提供的服务也很详细,无论孕妈在哪个环节出了问题都可以 时间找到负责人,只有这样的直营月子中心才能对孕妈和宝宝的出生做了安全的保障。





    去美国生孩子选月子中心可是个细致的工作,选对了一切都好,选错了真是花着钱遭着罪,所以对于孕妈来说选对月子中心至关重要。那么,究竟赴美生子中介不能选呢,今天就告诉孕妈,别因为小便宜吃大亏,别拿生命开玩笑。                  一、这样的中介,再便宜也不能选 1、开设在民宅的月子中心不要选 美福嘉儿要提醒孕妈,那些混居在当地民宅中的月子中心,千万不要选,这种月子中心的一个大弊端就是扰民,而且开设月子中心属于商业行为,在居民区属于违法。美国当地居民一旦受到侵扰就会毫不客气地报警,到时如果月子中心证件不齐全,孕妈就会有被遣返的可能。 2、排除口碑不好的月子中心不要选 品牌口碑很重要,就像买东西看差评一样,月子中心好坏,全凭有经验的孕妈指点江山了。但是也不乏一些老牌月子中心和新兴起的赴美产子机构有良好的口碑,这个要看孕妈们多方打听了,多听多看多比较再作决定,美福嘉儿多年老品牌,值得每一个赴美生子家庭信任! 3、说法不一的月子中心不要选 说法不一的月子中心一般都是中介月子中心,也就是国内中介与国外多家月子中心合作,你前期在国内跟中介签合约谈条件,到了美国月子中心之后发现之前谈的条件与实际情况并不相符,到时候回头再找中介理论,就会出现被踢皮球的现象。 二、错误的思想,贪小便宜吃大亏 1,月子中心也不一定非要选择直营 错误,直营月子中心是佳的选择。直营月子中心中的“直营”指的是经营模式,是在国内设立了办事处或者分公司,在美国有月子中心的实际场地和服务团队,双方通力合作为孕妈提供服务,这样的月子中心在中美两地都有实体,联系起来很快捷,提供的服务也很详细,无论孕妈在哪个环节出了问题都可以 时间找到负责人,只有这样的直营月子中心才能对孕妈和宝宝的出生做了安全的保障。                  2,生孩子细节那么多,有些项目没必要写进合同 不可以,合同明细应该越详细越好。直营美国月子中心在签合同时只需一份合同即可,而且在合同中明确写明各种条款,后期美国团队也会严格按照之前合同以及承诺的来履行,如果孕妈发现与承诺的不符可以退款和投诉。 3,签证承诺一次性包过的才是靠谱的月子中心 错误,美签的通过需要同时具备很多条件,还有签证官的自主裁决权,任何一家正规直营月子中心都不可能承诺一次性包过。 办理美签是需要很多专业知识的,一些中介利用孕妈对于签证的知识不够,以各种形式的造假欺骗签证官,签证通过后,可能会在入境的时候被发现以至于遣返,造成无法挽回的后果。 如果你看了这篇文章还是没有明白,可以直接找我们免费咨询 欢迎添加微信18721334596,尊享一对一专属顾问咨询服务,免费获取赴美生子政策、签证、流程、报价、医生医院等详细资料哦!在线链接美国月子中心,海量案例视频分享!
    [Qù měiguó shēng háizi xuǎn yuè zi zhōngxīn kěshì gè xìzhì de gōngzuò, xuǎn duìle yīqiè dōu hǎo, xuǎn cuòle zhēnshi huāzhe qián zāozhe zuì, suǒyǐ duìyú yùn mā lái shuō xuǎn duì yuè zi zhōngxīn zhì guān zhòngyào. Nàme, jiùjìng fù měi shēngzǐ zhōngjiè bùnéng xuǎn ne, jīntiān jiù gàosù yùn mā, bié yīnwèi xiǎo piányí chī dà kuī, bié ná shēngmìng kāiwánxiào. Yī, zhèyàng de zhōngjiè, zài piányí yě bùnéng xuǎn 1, kāishè zài mínzhái de yuè zi zhōngxīn bùyào xuǎn měi fú jiā er yào tíxǐng yùn mā, nàxiē hùn jū zài dāngdì mínzhái zhōng de yuè zi zhōngxīn, qiān wàn bùyào xuǎn, zhè zhǒng yuè zi zhōngxīn de yīgè dà bìduān jiùshì rǎomín, érqiě kāishè yuè zi zhōngxīn shǔyú shāngyè xíngwéi, zài jūmín qū shǔyú wéifǎ. Měiguó dāngdì jūmín yīdàn shòudào qīnrǎo jiù huì háo bù kèqì dì bàojǐng, dào shí rúguǒ yuè zi zhōngxīn zhèngjiàn bù qíquán, yùn mā jiù huì yǒu bèi qiǎnfǎn de kěnéng. 2, Páichú kǒubēi bù hǎo de yuè zi zhōngxīn bùyào xuǎn pǐnpái kǒubēi hěn zhòngyào, jiù xiàng mǎi dōngxī kàn chà píng yīyàng, yuè zi zhōngxīn hǎo huài, quán píng yǒu jīngyàn de yùn mā zhǐdiǎn jiāngshānle. Dànshì yě bùfá yīxiē lǎopái yuè zi zhōngxīn hé xīn xīngqǐ de fù měi chǎnzi jīgòu yǒu liánghǎo de kǒubēi, zhège yào kàn yùn māmen duōfāng dǎtīngle, duō tīng duō kàn duō bǐjiào zài zuò juédìng, měi fú jiā er 30 nián lǎo pǐnpái, zhídé měi yīgè fù měi shēngzǐ jiātíng xìnrèn! 3, Shuōfǎ bù yī de yuè zi zhōngxīn bùyào xuǎn shuōfǎ bù yī de yuè zi zhōngxīn yībān dōu shì zhōngjiè yuè zi zhōngxīn, yě jiùshì guónèi zhōngjiè yǔ guówài duō jiā yuè zi zhōngxīn hézuò, nǐ qiánqí zài guónèi gēn zhōngjiè qiān héyuē tán tiáojiàn, dàole měiguó yuè zi zhōngxīn zhīhòu fāxiàn zhīqián tán de tiáojiàn yǔ shíjì qíngkuàng bìng bù xiāngfú, dào shíhòu huítóu zài zhǎo zhōngjiè lǐlùn, jiù huì chūxiàn bèi tīpíqiú de xiànxiàng. Èr, cuòwù de sīxiǎng, tānxiǎo piányí chī dà kuī 1, yuè zi zhōngxīn yě bù yīdìng fēi yào xuǎnzé zhí yíng cuòwù, zhí yíng yuè zi zhōngxīn shì zuì jiā de xuǎnzé. Zhí yíng yuè zi zhōngxīn zhōng de “zhí yíng” zhǐ de shì jīngyíng móshì, shì zài guónèi shèlìle bànshì chù huòzhě fēn gōngsī, zài měiguó yǒu yuè zi zhōngxīn de shíjì chǎngdì hé fúwù tuánduì, shuāngfāng tōnglì hézuò wéi yùn mā tígōng fúwù, zhèyàng de yuè zi zhōngxīn zài zhōng měi liǎng de dōu yǒu shítǐ, liánxì qǐlái hěn kuàijié, tígōng de fúwù yě hěn xiángxì, wúlùn yùn mā zài nǎge huánjié chūle wèntí dōu kěyǐ dì yī shíjiān zhǎodào fùzé rén, zhǐyǒu zhèyàng de zhí yíng yuè zi zhōngxīn cáinéng duì yùn mā hé bǎobǎo de chūshēng zuòle ānquán de bǎozhàng. 2, Shēng hái zǐ xìjié nàme duō, yǒuxiē xiàngmù méi bìyào xiě jìn hétóng bù kěyǐ, hétóng míngxì yīnggāi yuè xiángxì yuè hǎo. Zhí yíng měiguó yuè zi zhōngxīn zài qiān hétóngshí zhǐ xū yī fèn hétóng jí kě, érqiě zài hétóng zhōng míngquè xiě míng gè zhǒng tiáokuǎn, hòuqí měiguó tuánduì yě huì yángé ànzhào zhīqián hétóng yǐjí chéngnuò de lái lǚxíng, rúguǒ yùn mā fāxiàn yǔ chéngnuò de bùfú kěyǐ tuì kuǎn hé tóusù. 3, Qiānzhèng chéngnuò yīcì xìng bāoguò de cái shì kào pǔ de yuè zi zhōngxīn cuòwù, měi qiān de tōngguò xūyào tóng shí jùbèi hěnduō tiáojiàn, hái yǒu qiānzhèng guān de zìzhǔ cáijué quán, rènhé yījiā zhèngguī zhí yíng yuè zi zhōngxīn dōu bù kěnéng chéngnuò yīcì xìng bāoguò. Bànlǐ měi qiān shì xūyào hěnduō zhuānyè zhīshì de, yīxiē zhōngjiè lìyòng yùn mā duìyú qiānzhèng de zhīshì bùgòu, yǐ gè zhǒng xíngshì de zàojiǎ qīpiàn qiānzhèng guān, qiānzhèng tōngguò hòu, kěnéng huì zài rùjìng de shíhòu pī fà xiàn yǐ zhìyú qiǎnfǎn, zàochéng wúfǎ wǎnhuí de hòuguǒ. Rúguǒ nǐ kànle zhè piān wénzhāng háishì méiyǒu míngbái, kěyǐ zhíjiē zhǎo wǒmen miǎnfèi zīxún huānyíng tiānjiā wēixìn 18721334596, zūn xiǎng yī duì yī zhuānshǔ gùwèn zīxún fúwù, miǎnfèi huòqǔ fù měi shēngzǐ zhèngcè, qiānzhèng, liúchéng, bàojià, yīshēng yīyuàn děng xiángxì zīliào ó! Zàixiàn liànjiē měiguó yuè zi zhōngxīn, hǎiliàng ànlì shìpín fēnxiǎng!]
    American children go to the election center, but a month of painstaking work, the election of everything, really wrong to spend the money was a sin, so the pregnant mother is critical to the month of the election center. So, what does the United States have children intermediary can not vote, today told the pregnant mother, not because they are cheap suffer a great deal, do not take life a joke.

    First, such a medium is cheap if not selected
    1, set up in the homes of the month not to vote for the center

    US Fujia children to remind pregnant mother, who mingled month in local houses in the center, do not choose a major flaw of this month the center is disturbing, and opened the month with a commercial behavior center, in a residential area It is illegal. US residents will soon be infested unceremoniously alarm, if the month to the center without proper papers, the pregnant mother will likely be repatriated.

    2, excluding the bad reputation of the month not to vote for the center

    Brand reputation is very important, just like buy things look bad review, as the central month of good or bad, depends experienced a pregnant mother pointing country. But some of these are old center and the month of birth in the United States the rise of the new agency have a good reputation, this depends on the pregnant mother were making inquiries, and see and hear more and more comparison before making a decision, the United States Fujia children 30-year-old brand, worth every family trust children to the United States!

    3, different opinions of the month not to vote for the center
    Opinions vary month of centers are generally intermediary confinement center, which is the intermediary in cooperation with a number of foreign domestic confinement center, you talk about the early conditions in the country to sign a contract with the agency, found that conditions before talking to the month after the US Centers for It does not match with the actual situation, to find time to look back intermediary theory, there will be the phenomenon of pass the buck.

    Second, erroneous ideas, because they are cheap suffer a great deal
    1, confinement center does not necessarily have to choose Direct

    Errors, Direct confinement center is the best option. Direct confinement center "Direct" refers to a business model in the country set up offices or branches, sub-center for a month of actual venues and service teams in the United States, the two sides work together to provide services for the pregnant mother, this month there are centers in the United States two entities, linked to very fast, services provided also very detailed, both pregnant mother in which aspects of a problem can be found the first time the person in charge, the only way Direct months sub-center in order for the pregnant mother and the baby's born to do a security guarantee.

    2, details of so many children, some of the projects included in the contract is not necessary

    No, the contract should be as detailed as possible in detail. Direct US sub-center Just a month at the time of contract to contract, and clearly stated in the terms of various contracts, the late American team will be strictly in accordance with prior contractual commitments and to fulfill, if found pregnant mother and commitment It does not match refundable and complaints.

    3 month commitment visa center is a one-time package ever fly
    Error, signed by the United States need to have a lot of conditions, as well as the independent adjudication of the visa officer, any month of a regular Direct center can not promise a one-time package too.
    The United States signed a deal with requires a lot of expertise, some of the pregnant mother to use intermediaries knowledge is not enough visas to various forms of fraud to deceive the visa officer, after visa by, may be found that the repatriation of the time of entry, irreparable s consequence.

    If you read this article still do not understand, you can directly come to us for free advice
    Welcome to add a micro-channel 18,721,334,596, enjoy exclusive one on one consulting services, free access to the United States to have children policy, visa details, processes, quote, doctors and hospitals Oh! Online links to the United States confinement center, massive video sharing case!







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